Although we keep many bikes in stock, for obvious reasons, we cannot have every size and color on hand. Feel free to visit the sites below and let us know what you would like to order. We will contact you regarding availability and delivery times. Orders can usually be delivered with in 7-10 days. COVID-caused bike shortage has significantly delayed most new bike orders. We have a large quantity of bikes on backorder, which are available for pre-order. Please call us to find out about availability/delivery times and pre-order status.
Some useful articles about the benefits of bike riding for kids
The Specialized Foundation.org
Riding is my Ritalin: how one cyclist gained control over his ADHD bicycling.com
An Education on Riding a Bike to School momentummag.com
If you want your kids to do well in school, get them to bike there momentummag.com
Why riding a bike to school is often illegal money.cnn.com
All about bicycling Parents magazine